Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Rainy Day Aloha!!

  As the first drops of rain from this anticipated storm are gently falling on the bamboo leaves outside, I am finally sitting down to post another blog!!!! The gray is inspiring me again, to look to my photo collection for an island respite!!! When the weather is good, I am scurrying around, creating work, & having a GREAT time doing it!! This past month, I started to share hula with Delaney and Eve, 2 adorable keikis( mini wahines !) & their Mamas; took some Happy Holiday pictures for Holiday cards( which I will post next time, and how to get some for yourself!!); And I just got a small booth in an antique store to sell fun clothes and other things that spark me!!! 
   Two of my  Hula sisters just returned from their glorious trips to Oahu, and my NEW Hula sisters( one of the adorable Keikis and her Mama) are en route to Kauai as I write... so all this talk about warm oceans, islands and lushness, ahhhhhh ... I have to live vicariously through these pictures, until I can go there myself, though dancing hula really brings it home for me..  Yet VISUALS are always a GOOD thing!!!   Ooooh, and the raindrops are getting bigger and louder as I write!!! Wow!!! 


     This is how it is right now.. ( though this isn't a picture of MY room..).. just setting the scene... 


This is what I am dreaming of... 

Ok, this oughta hold me for a while... 

For this rainy day, a Happy Memory for the Bohemian in me... a song that was my favorite when I was 10... and this scene, forever a classic...