Friday, August 31, 2012

Celebrating the August Blue Moon

In Honor of the Blue Moon and full moon in August, I have made it my ritual every August Full Moon to post this video of Stacey and I dancing Hula in the August Full Moonlight in 2010. 

                   I hope you will enjoy.... Aloha!!! 


Monday, August 27, 2012

Beautiful Kauai....

I happened upon my photos from a Kauai trip I took a few years back with my daughter. I felt so lucky to go on that trip when we did, since A) Kauai had just had huge storms and flooded,  and B) I had Iritis( an eye infection caused by an old cracked filling in one of my molars. It took weeks to figure it out, and ol' one-eyed me researched for hours on the web to find out why I was in this very painful condition since the doctors had no idea...) But that is a story for another day!!! The eye healed just in time to go on vacation!!! And the storms subsided!!! We were so grateful!!  I had my Canon AE 1, and my daughter's digital camera.  

          Of course, the Lovely Ke'e Beach... and Bali Hai.... aka Makana Mountain.... 

           Chicken on the Beach, Chicken on the Beach!!!   

        Ahhh, Heaven... Can  you see the waterfall???

         Limahuli Gardens and me and my camera.. in my element!!!

                 Should I go in to this cave??? Yikes!!!       

                                I decide to brave it!!!   

               Colorful Rock Growth inside the cave!

                  My daughter enjoying the hammock in Princeville...      

      Cool Tropical Bohemian Clothing Store called Bambulei!!!     Yay!!  Kinda reminds me of my house!! Old funky cottage!! 

                            Fun Island Still Life!!! 

         My favorite part of the drive on the one road around the island... there is just the sweetest feeling going through this grove of super tall trees.... sigh!!! 

                              Another Lovely View!!  

                                  I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!

  This one of Hanelei Bay takes the cake. It is one that I used film to shoot. Look closely( I think you can click on the picture to enlarge)... you will see the magic of the Garden Isle... I did not alter anything else other than the color ( to make it brighter and more colorful)... How are the sun's rays coming out from BETWEEN the mountains? Check out the right side of the hill in the foreground( darkest one), and the clouds.. they have repeated themselves.  Yet the ocean, sand and upper clouds are singular...Tell me how did that happen??  This is one of the wildest photos I have ever taken. Without trying!!! 

     Oh, also, when my daughter and I were in the Kauai airport waiting to board the plane for the mainland, we were beside ourselves crying... guess it means it's  Time to Hele On Back to Kauai!!!!